How to Use the Scandinavian Bed-Making Method: A Clear Guide

The Scandinavian bed-making method is a popular way of making a bed that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. This method involves using multiple layers of bedding to create a comfortable and cozy sleeping environment. The method is simple and straightforward, but it can take some getting used to if you are not familiar with it.

To use the Scandinavian bed-making method, you will need to start by selecting your ground sheets. This includes placing a mattress protector and fitted sheet over your mattress, and a mattress topper if you have one. You won’t need a top sheet for this method, as you will be using a duvet cover instead. Once your ground sheets are in place, you can add your duvets, pillows, and any other finishing touches you like. The key to this method is to layer your bedding in a way that creates a warm and cozy sleeping environment that is both comfortable and stylish.

If you are looking for a new way to make your bed that is both comfortable and stylish, the Scandinavian bed-making method may be just what you need. This method is easy to learn and can help you create a cozy sleeping environment that is perfect for relaxing and unwinding after a long day. Whether you are looking for a new way to make your bed or just want to try something different, the Scandinavian bed-making method is definitely worth checking out.

Understanding the Scandinavian Bed-Making Method

A neatly made bed with layers of blankets and pillows, folded with precision and tucked in at the corners, creating a clean and inviting look

The Scandinavian Bed-Making Method is a technique that involves using two separate duvets, one for each partner, instead of a single comforter for both partners. This technique is becoming increasingly popular due to its many benefits, including better sleep quality, reduced stress levels, and improved relationship satisfaction.

According to the Sleep Foundation, using separate duvets can help each partner maintain their preferred sleep temperature, which is crucial for a good night’s sleep. Moreover, it eliminates the need to fight over the blanket, which is a common issue for couples sharing a bed.

To use the Scandinavian Bed-Making Method, start by choosing two separate duvets, one for each partner. It’s recommended to use down-filled duvets and cover them each with a matching duvet cover. Then, place each duvet on its respective side of the bed.

When making the bed, start with one side and then tackle the other side. Straighten the duvet and tuck it under the mattress on each side. Finally, fluff the pillows and place them at the head of the bed.

Overall, the Scandinavian Bed-Making Method is a simple and effective way to improve sleep quality and relationship satisfaction. By using separate duvets, each partner can sleep comfortably and without disturbance, leading to a better night’s sleep and a happier relationship.

Essential Materials for Scandinavian Bed-Making

A neatly made bed with crisp white sheets, a fluffy duvet, and a stack of decorative throw pillows. A wooden bed frame with clean lines and a cozy knit throw draped over the end

Scandinavian bed-making is a unique technique that requires specific materials to achieve the perfect bed. Here are the essential materials you will need to make your bed like a true Scandinavian.

Choosing the Right Duvet

The key to Scandinavian bed-making is the use of two separate duvets instead of a single comforter. When selecting duvets, it is recommended to use down-filled duvets as they provide warmth and comfort. Additionally, down-filled duvets are lightweight, making them easy to move around and adjust.

It is also important to choose the right size duvet for your bed. The duvet should be slightly larger than your bed to allow for maximum coverage and comfort. A good rule of thumb is to choose a duvet that is at least 20 inches wider than your bed.

Selecting Bed Linen

When it comes to bed linen, Scandinavian bed-making calls for simplicity and minimalism. Opt for plain white or neutral-colored sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers. The use of solid colors creates a clean and crisp look that is characteristic of Scandinavian design.

It is also important to choose high-quality bed linen that is soft and comfortable. Look for materials such as cotton, linen, or bamboo which are breathable and hypoallergenic. Avoid materials such as polyester which can trap heat and cause discomfort.

In summary, to achieve the perfect Scandinavian bed, you will need two separate down-filled duvets and high-quality bed linen in solid colors. By using these essential materials, you can create a comfortable and stylish bed that is perfect for a good night’s sleep.

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The Scandinavian Bed-Making Process

A neatly folded duvet cover is spread flat on the bed, with the corners aligned perfectly. The pillows are then placed on top, creating a clean and minimalist look

The Scandinavian Bed-Making Method is a simple yet effective way to make a bed. It involves using two separate duvets instead of one, which makes it easier for couples to sleep together without disturbing each other. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use this method:

Stripping the Bed

The first step in the Scandinavian Bed-Making Process is to strip the bed of all its bedding. This includes removing the pillowcases, sheets, and duvet covers.

Laying the Bottom Sheet

Once the bed is stripped, the next step is to lay the bottom sheet. This is a fitted sheet that is placed over the mattress. It should be smoothed out and tucked in at the corners to ensure a tight fit.

Placing the Duvet

The next step is to place the duvets on the bed. Each person should have their own duvet, which is placed on their side of the bed. The duvet should be placed so that it covers the entire bed and hangs over the sides.

Finishing Touches

The final step in the Scandinavian Bed-Making Process is to add the finishing touches. This includes adding pillows, pillowcases, and any decorative throws or blankets. The pillows should be fluffed and arranged neatly on the bed, and any decorative items should be placed in a way that complements the overall look of the bed.

Overall, the Scandinavian Bed-Making Method is a simple and effective way to make a bed. By using two separate duvets instead of one, couples can sleep more comfortably and without disturbing each other.

Benefits of the Scandinavian Bed-Making Method

A neatly made bed with layers of blankets and pillows, folded with precision and care, showcasing the simplicity and elegance of the Scandinavian Bed-Making Method

The Scandinavian Bed-Making Method has gained popularity due to its numerous benefits. Here are some of the benefits of using this method:

Improved Sleep Quality

The Scandinavian Bed-Making Method can improve sleep quality by providing each partner with their own separate duvet. This method ensures that each person can sleep comfortably without worrying about their partner hogging the covers or the temperature being too hot or cold. According to the Sleep Foundation, couples who use this method experience better sleep quality and fewer disturbances during the night.

Ease of Bed-Making

Another benefit of the Scandinavian Bed-Making Method is that it is easy to make the bed. Since each person has their own duvet, there is no need to fight over the covers or spend time adjusting them. The bed can be made quickly and easily by simply straightening out the duvets and fluffing the pillows. This method can save time and reduce stress in the morning.

Aesthetic Appeal

The Scandinavian Bed-Making Method can also improve the aesthetic appeal of the bedroom. By using two separate duvets, the bed can look more organized and put together. The duvets can be matched with the decor of the room and can add a pop of color or pattern to the bed. This method can make the bedroom look more stylish and inviting.

Overall, the Scandinavian Bed-Making Method can improve sleep quality, make bed-making easier, and enhance the aesthetic appeal of the bedroom. It is a simple and effective way to improve the sleeping experience for couples.

Maintenance Tips for Your Scandinavian Bed Setup

A neatly made Scandinavian bed with layered blankets and pillows, tucked in at the corners, with a minimalist bedside table and a small potted plant

Maintaining a Scandinavian bed setup is essential to ensure that it remains comfortable and functional for a long time. Here are some tips to help you keep your bed setup in top condition.

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning of your bed linens and duvets is essential to keep them fresh and hygienic. It is recommended to wash your bedding every one to two weeks, depending on your usage and personal preference. Use a mild detergent and avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as they can damage the fibers and reduce the lifespan of your bedding.

Duvet Care

The Scandinavian bed-making method involves using separate duvets for each person. To ensure that your duvets remain in good condition, it is recommended to fluff them up daily and air them out regularly. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight for prolonged periods, as it can cause the fabric to fade and become brittle. If you need to store your duvets, use a breathable bag to prevent moisture buildup.

Refreshing the Bed Linen

To keep your bed linen fresh between washes, you can use a linen spray or fabric refresher. Simply spray a light mist over your bedding and allow it to dry before making your bed. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to the spray for a pleasant scent. To prevent wrinkles, smooth out your bedding while it is still damp and avoid over-drying it in the dryer.

By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure that your Scandinavian bed setup remains comfortable, hygienic, and functional for a long time.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

A neatly made bed with tucked-in corners and smooth, even layers of bedding, topped with a folded duvet and fluffed pillows

When using the Scandinavian bed-making method, there are a few common mistakes to avoid to ensure maximum comfort and effectiveness.

Mistake #1: Using the Wrong Size Duvet

One of the most important aspects of the Scandinavian bed-making method is using two separate duvets for each partner. It is crucial to ensure that the duvets are the right size for the bed and for each partner’s individual needs. Using a duvet that is too small can lead to discomfort and inadequate coverage, while using a duvet that is too large can be cumbersome and difficult to manage.

Mistake #2: Neglecting to Wash Duvets Regularly

Another common mistake when using the Scandinavian bed-making method is neglecting to wash the duvets regularly. It is important to wash the duvets every few weeks to ensure that they remain clean and hygienic. Failure to do so can lead to the accumulation of dust, dirt, and bacteria, which can cause allergies and other health problems.

Mistake #3: Using the Wrong Material

When selecting duvets for the Scandinavian bed-making method, it is important to choose the right material. While down-filled duvets are recommended, it is important to ensure that they are made from high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting. Using low-quality materials can lead to discomfort and a shorter lifespan for the duvets.

Mistake #4: Not Adjusting the Temperature

Finally, it is important to remember that the Scandinavian bed-making method is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each partner may have different temperature needs, and it is important to adjust the temperature accordingly to ensure maximum comfort. This may involve adjusting the thermostat, using additional blankets, or using a fan to regulate the temperature.

Adapting the Method to Different Seasons

A neatly made bed with layers of blankets and pillows, surrounded by the changing colors of the seasons outside a window

The Scandinavian bed-making method is not only a comfortable and cozy way to sleep, but it can also be adapted to different seasons. Here are some tips on how to adjust the method to different weather conditions:


During the summer months, the weather is usually warm, and people tend to prefer lighter bedding. To adapt the Scandinavian bed-making method to summer, switch to lighter weight duvets or comforters. Consider using linen or cotton sheets instead of flannel or heavier materials.


In the winter, people tend to prefer warmer bedding to keep them cozy and comfortable during the colder months. To adapt the Scandinavian bed-making method to winter, switch to heavier duvets or comforters. Consider using flannel or fleece sheets to keep warm.

Spring and Fall

During the transitional seasons of spring and fall, the weather can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to have bedding that can adapt to changing temperatures. Consider using a combination of lighter and heavier bedding, such as a light duvet with a heavier quilt or blanket.

It’s essential to remember that the Scandinavian bed-making method is all about creating a comfortable and cozy sleeping environment. By adapting the method to different seasons, you can ensure that you are always getting a good night’s sleep, no matter the weather outside.

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